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*discounts given for multiple package purchases



Prenatal meeting in your home discussing birth plan, comfort measures, birth positions & birth education.


Unlimited phone support during pregnancy.


Birth support.


Use of essential oils during labor. 


Postpartum visit in your home.


Education & suggestions on essential oils throughout pregnancy, labor & postpartum. 


Birth Photography


Prenatal meeting in-person or virtual, discussing preferences & details. 


70+ hi-res images, all edited. All photos available to download via emailed link.


Birth Class Only


The same class that is offered in the doula package. 3 hour, private, in-home class. Birth plan discussion & education, comfort measures, & birth position education.


*Group class discount given with more couples.


Doula + Birth Photography


All doula services offered &   hi-res images, edited. All photos available to download via emailed link.


Doula + Lactation


Both services at a discount!


All doula services offered plus 2 visits with Lacy Duffett, certified lactation consultant 


Lacy offers a 2 consult package that can be used as a prenatal and initial in-home visit after baby's arrival -or- initial in-home plus a follow-up in clinic.


Family Photography


Newborn/family photo session or maternity photo session. 


*discounts given for multiple package purchases & repeat clients.

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